A Swift Perambulation through the World of CATransform3D (Part II): Concatenation, Inversion and Affine Transforms (CALayer, iOS, Xcode)
Last time translation, rotation and scaling were discussed in relation to Core Animation Functions. This time I move on to discussion of concatenation, inversion and affine transforms.
The concatenation of transforms enables two transformations to be combined (or chained) together.
In the image above, a rotation and scale have been combined.
func degree2radian(a:CGFloat)->CGFloat { let b = CGFloat(M_PI) * a/180 return b } let layer = CALayer() layer.frame = CGRect(x: 20, y: CGRectGetMidX(self.view.frame), width: 200, height: 200) layer.borderColor = UIColor.blackColor().CGColor layer.borderWidth = 1 self.view.layer.addSublayer(layer) let layerConcat = CALayer() layerConcat.frame = CGRect(x: 20, y: CGRectGetMidX(self.view.frame), width: 200, height: 200) layerConcat.backgroundColor = UIColor.greenColor().CGColor layerConcat.zPosition = -1 layerConcat.transform = CATransform3DConcat(CATransform3DMakeRotation(degree2radian(90), 0.0, 1.0, 1.0), CATransform3DMakeScale(1.0, 3.0, 0.0)) self.view.layer.addSublayer(layerConcat)
An inversion as the name suggests inverts a transformation, taking it in the opposite directions to the original.
func degree2radian(a:CGFloat)->CGFloat { let b = CGFloat(M_PI) * a/180 return b } let layer = CALayer() layer.frame = CGRect(x: 20, y: CGRectGetMidX(self.view.frame), width: 200, height: 200) layer.borderColor = UIColor.blackColor().CGColor layer.borderWidth = 1 self.view.layer.addSublayer(layer) let layerConcat = CALayer() layerConcat.frame = CGRect(x: 20, y: CGRectGetMidX(self.view.frame), width: 200, height: 200) layerConcat.backgroundColor = UIColor.greenColor().CGColor layerConcat.zPosition = -1 layerConcat.transform = CATransform3DMakeRotation(degree2radian(90), 0.0, 1.0, 1.0) self.view.layer.addSublayer(layerConcat) let layerConcat2 = CALayer() layerConcat2.frame = CGRect(x: 20, y: CGRectGetMidX(self.view.frame), width: 200, height: 200) layerConcat2.backgroundColor = UIColor.blueColor().CGColor layerConcat2.zPosition = -1 layerConcat2.transform = CATransform3DInvert(CATransform3DMakeRotation(degree2radian(90), 0.0, 1.0, 1.0)) self.view.layer.addSublayer(layerConcat2)
A CGAffineTransform is a two-dimensional transformation that can be applied to a view, and the CGAffineTransform() function enables the affine transform to be used on CALayers and CAShapeLayers by translating it into a CATransform3D instance.
func degree2radian(a:CGFloat)->CGFloat { let b = CGFloat(M_PI) * a/180 return b } let layer = CALayer() layer.frame = CGRect(x: 100, y: CGRectGetMidX(self.view.frame), width: 200, height: 200) layer.borderColor = UIColor.blackColor().CGColor layer.borderWidth = 1 self.view.layer.addSublayer(layer) let layerAffine = CALayer() layerAffine.frame = CGRect(x: 100, y: CGRectGetMidX(self.view.frame), width: 200, height: 200) layerAffine.backgroundColor = UIColor.greenColor().CGColor layerAffine.zPosition = -1 layerAffine.transform = CATransform3DMakeAffineTransform(CGAffineTransformMakeRotation(degree2radian(45))) self.view.layer.addSublayer(layerAffine)Note: There is also a function to translate a CATransform3D instance into a CGAffineTransform called CATransform3DGetAffineTransform() if you wish to move from a CATransform3D to a CGAffineTransform.
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