Seven Reasons to Use XML in Print Production Workflow

This is a quick post outlining my views on why XML is useful in print production (and ebook workflows). I've written them here so I don't end up sounding like a broken record on twitter.
  1. XML gives you the ability to easily repurpose for web and eBooks
  2. XML frees you from reliance on one program - you can move between Quark and InDesign, for example, without the need to use conversion plug-ins and programs (important because we don't know what the future holds)
  3. XML means less time using InDesign, which might mean you need to buy fewer software licences (and machines powerful enough to run it)
  4. XML is less likely to be corrupted in the same way InDesign files can be
  5. XML files demand less storage space
  6. Creating XML files first gives you greater control over the cleanliness of the code
  7. It is no more effort to tag with XML than it is to style in Word and import Word into InDesign or to apply styles in InDesign, especially with automated (GREP/Macro) processing of text
