Testing websites across iOS devices without an iOS device

If you are using a Mac it is simple to test how webpages will look on an iOS device by running iOS Simulator. It comes packaged with Xcode, and Xcode is free to download from the Mac App Store. Once you've downloaded the 1.68GB of Xcode you can locate iOS Simulator using the Finder search box and simply typing iOS Simulator. Alternatively, it is installed in the Developer->Platforms->iPhoneSimulator.platform->Developer->Applications folder (note: the developer folder is not within your User folder but above this in the same place as the Applications folder on your hard drive).

Note: When you install Xcode you actually install a program called "Install Xcode" and to properly install the software you need to double tap on this and follow instructions.

Once you've opened iOS Simulator use the Hardware->Device menu to select from iPad, iPhone and iPhone (Retina Display), then open Safari from the dock on the simulated iOS device and either drag and drop your files to the page or enter a URL in the top bar. (From the Hardware menu you will also be able to rotate the device.)

Note: It works with MAMP for local development of PHP, MySQL, etc. as well.

For advice on how to program for Safari on iOS see Apple's developer site.
