Step one
Make sure that you have the latest Android Software Development Kit (SDK) and Android Developer Tools (ADT) installed, along with Eclipse.
Step two
Create a new Android Application Project.
Step three
Give application, project and package a name.Step four
Skip through the launcher icon details.Step five
Choose an activity type (BlankActivity).
Step six
View your app's activity_main.xml file located in the res/layout folderStep seven
At the bottom of the central window you will see that we are currently in the Graphical Layout. Now click the activity_main.xml tab next to Graphical Layout one and you will see the following.
Step eight
In the activity_mail.xml file (above) try changing:
to something else, like:
and you will receive an error. So change it back to "hello_world" because this isn't the text, it is a pointer to a string, which can be found in the res/values folder in a file called strings.xml. And it is in this file that we can highlight our string called hello_world and change its value to Hello Android!
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