A list of JSON and XML cross-over technologies

"BadgerFish is a convention for translating an XML document into a JSON object. Once you've got your XML document represented as a JSON object, it's easy to manipulate from within Javascript. If you're familiar with PHP's SimpleXML extension, think of BadgerFish as aiming for a similar goal: making it simpler to do common manipulations of XML documents with a predictable structure."

"MicroXML is a subset of XML intended for use in contexts where full XML is, or is perceived to be, too large and complex. It has been designed to complement rather than replace XML, JSON and HTML. Like XML, it is a general format for making use of markup vocabularies rather than a specific markup vocabulary like HTML. This document provides a complete description of MicroXML."

"Convert XML to JSON"

"JSONiq extends XQuery, a mature W3C standard, with native JSON support. Like XQuery and SQL, JSONiq is declarative: Expressions can nest with full composability."

JSON Markup Language (JsonML)
"JsonML (JSON Markup Language) is an application of the JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) format. The purpose of JsonML is to provide a compact format for transporting XML-based markup as JSON which allows it to be losslessly converted back to its original form.

Native XML/XHTML doesn't sit well embedded in JavaScript. When XHTML is stored in script it must be properly encoded as an opaque string. JsonML allows easy manipulation of the markup in script before completely rehydrating back to the original form."

"JSONPath is a means of using XPath-like syntax to query JSON structures. It is not a standard, but it does offer a means of querying JavaScript structures directly without needing to convert to or from XML." (Mozilla)

"The JSON standard is the good way to deliver data to a JavaScript application, because it is JavaScript. XML is a good way to publish data because it is a popular standard. If only there were some glue to stick these two good things together...

Turns out Perl is a good way to glue. So here's a little script that will run as a CGI to deliver an XML document as a JSON object. It does this on-the-fly using a XSL stylesheet and the XML-Sablotron module."

"XSLTJSON is an XSLT 2.0 stylesheet to transform arbitrary XML to JavaScript Object Notation (JSON). JSON is a lightweight data-interchange format based on a subset of the JavaScript language, and often offered as an alternative to XML in—for example—web services. To make life easier XSLTJSON allows you to transform XML to JSON automatically."

ebook and app related

"Epub-parser is a simple way to make working with epub files more programmer- and web-friendly by converting its [XML] data structures to JSON and providing some simplified structures for convenient access to that data."

"The HPub (HTML Publication) standard is a file format designed to release rich content books in a simple and manageable package [using a mix of JSON and HTML5]."
