Installing a WordPress blog on a Heart Internet hosted site

This post is rather specific to Heart Internet customers, but some bits and pieces might apply to you.

  1. inside the Heart Internet eXtend panel choose the WordPress Blog option inside the CGI Scripts panel (it's quite far down)
  2. choose an installation directory (assuming you don't want the blog to be your homepage) and create it
  3. navigate to the file called setup_script.cgi in your web browser, e.g.
  4. if you are faced with a warning that it can't access the database follow the next steps (if it can access the database then you should be good to go)
  5. return to the eXtend panel and create a database for WordPress to access using the MySQL Databases option inside the Web Tools panel
  6. open the file readme.html, e.g. in your browser
  7. follow instructions under the heading 'Installation: Famous 5-Minute Install'
  8. now's the time to protect your database name and password - see here.
