Three time-saving keyboard shortcuts for InDesign indexing

QWERTY keyboard
Three useful keyboard shortcuts for InDesign indexing (OS X):

  1.     Add new index entry - Opt+Shift+Cmd+[
  2.     Add new reversed entry (i.e. for Surname, Name) - Opt+Shift+Cmd+]
  3.     New Page Reference... - Cmd+7

For a full list of keyboard shortcuts (and to add your own custom shortcuts):

    Edit -> Keyboard Shortcuts ...

There are also a couple of nifty tricks to save lots of time. The first is to highlight the position in the text you want to repeat a topic and to then drag the topic to the new index entry icon in the index panel menu. The second is to reuse part of an entry, which you wish to add a subentry to or amend in some way: again highlight the text position, highlight the topic you wish to utilise, hold down Alt and tap the new index entry icon.

Less useful, I find, is the Add All option, which can be selected from within the the index entry dialog box. It finds all repetitions within the current document of the highlighted text. This sounds dreamy, but if a page has several repetitions, multiple entries are made for that page. And it takes longer to delete multiple entries than not to use the "Add All" option in my experience.
