You'll need a time machine to tune into the new trends in design

Backward Clock - - 548623

iOS 7 might well have rocked the faith of many in the design community, but it remains a relatively safe bet that where Apple leads others will inevitably follow. And just as the original iMacs led to endless brightly coloured transparent objects from staplers to calculators, so iOS 7 will have an impact, if only because there are so many iOS devices out there that will inevitably be upgraded to the new version of this mobile mega-OS by the end of the year.

How do designers prepare for this brave new world? Simple, take a step into your own personal time machine to the place where you first began design and thought of all the cool things you could do with Adobe Illustrator only to realise that print media didn't work so well when you did those things.

Forget about margins that allow for trimming, forget about gradients looking iffy, forget about muted colours. Be the person you would've been if you didn't ever have to think about printing, or people's nostalgic attachment to the print world. Revisit your youth and all the crazy ideas you had back then about what looked cool.

Every installed copy of iOS 7 will be a licence for you to live your career in the play pen of computer design and go day-glo like it's 1980. I'm serious. This is a new beginning for design. The next phase. Embrace it and make the best work you can.

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