Apple tells us that 'Objective-C is a superset of the C language', but what does this mean when it comes to including C code in Xcode projects? This post begins to explore that question.
C primitive types
It is likely that you already use C primitives in your code, i.e. int, double and float, to denote number types. In which case you are already mixing C with Objective-C.C arrays
You could if you wished use int arrays and char arrays as well, for example:
int arr[] = {1,2,3,4,5};
Although most likely you are using NSArray and NSMutableArray.
C functions
To take a step further, let's grab a C function from the University of Strathclyde site and insert it into our code:
double power(double val, unsigned pow)
{ double ret_val = 1.0;
unsigned i;
for(i = 0; i < pow; i++)
ret_val *= val;
{ double ret_val = 1.0;
unsigned i;
for(i = 0; i < pow; i++)
ret_val *= val;
It's the equivalent of writing:
-(double)valueOf:(double)val toThePower:(unsigned)pow {
double ret_val = 1.0;
unsigned i;
for(i = 0; i < pow; i++)
ret_val *= val;
return(ret_val); }
double ret_val = 1.0;
unsigned i;
for(i = 0; i < pow; i++)
ret_val *= val;
return(ret_val); }
and as with an Objective-C method, the C function goes in the body of the implementation file and can be called from within a method.
So in viewDidLoad, we could call the C function by writing:
double result1 = power(6, 2);
just as we'd write this in Objective-C:
double result2 = [self valueOf:6 toThePower:2];
Typedef structs
You can also create structs using typedef.
typedef struct {
int i;
float f;
} MyNewStruct;
int i;
float f;
} MyNewStruct;
Again, the struct code is placed within the body of implementation file and we can make use of the code like this:
MyNewStruct aStruct;
aStruct.i = 47;
aStruct.f = 3.14;
aStruct.i = 47;
aStruct.f = 3.14;
Further reading
Write Objective-C code, AppleProgramming with Objective-C: Values and Collections, Apple
Introduction to C++ for iOS Developers: Part 1, Matt Galloway
Note: In OS X you denote an implementation file that contains Objective-C with the .m extension and you save your implementation file with the extension .mm when it contains Objective-C, C and C++.
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