An A-Z of Swift Protocol Names (Xcode 6, beta 4)

There are 47 protocols listed in the Swift header file, here's the A-Z (or rather A-U) for reference. Those with colons are protocols that adopt other protocols.

protocol AbsoluteValuable : SignedNumber
protocol ArrayBound
protocol ArrayLiteralConvertible
protocol ArrayType : ExtensibleCollection, MutableSliceable, ArrayLiteralConvertible
protocol BidirectionalIndex : ForwardIndex
protocol BitwiseOperations
protocol BooleanLiteralConvertible
protocol CVarArg
protocol CharacterLiteralConvertible
protocol Collection : Sequence 
protocol Comparable : Equatable
protocol DebugPrintable
protocol DictionaryLiteralConvertible
protocol Equatable
protocol ExtendedGraphemeClusterLiteralConvertible
protocol ExtensibleCollection
protocol FloatLiteralConvertible
protocol FloatingPointNumber : Strideable
protocol ForwardIndex
protocol Generator
protocol Hashable : Equatable
protocol Integer : RandomAccessIndex
protocol IntegerArithmetic : Comparable
protocol IntegerLiteralConvertible
protocol LogicValue
protocol Mirror
protocol MutableCollection : Collection
protocol MutableSliceable : Sliceable, MutableCollection
protocol NilLiteralConvertible
protocol OutputStream
protocol Printable
protocol RandomAccessIndex : BidirectionalIndex
protocol RawOptionSet : LogicValue, Equatable, NilLiteralConvertible 
protocol RawRepresentable
protocol Reflectable
protocol Sequence
protocol SignedInteger : Integer
protocol SignedNumber
protocol Sink
protocol Sliceable
protocol Streamable
protocol Strideable : Comparable
protocol StringElement
protocol StringInterpolationConvertible
protocol StringLiteralConvertible : ExtendedGraphemeClusterLiteralConvertible
protocol UnicodeCodec
protocol UnsignedInteger : Integer

Endorse on Coderwall
