Swift: A list of all types and protocols that adopt, and inherit from, the Sequence protocol


For the use of generics in Swift it is important to understand the adoption and inheritance of protocols. Here are the types and protocol(s) that are adopted by Sequence (which is a top-level protocol that adopts no other protocols):
struct EmptyGenerator
struct EnumerateGenerator
struct FilterGenerator
struct FilterSequenceView
struct GeneratorOf
struct GeneratorOfOne
struct GeneratorSequence
struct IndexingGenerator
struct LazySequence
struct MapSequenceGenerator
struct MapSequenceView 
struct PermutationGenerator
struct RangeGenerator
struct SequenceOf 
struct StrideThrough (note: might adopt Collection in future update instead)
struct StrideTo (note: might adopt Collection in future update instead)
struct UnsafeArrayGenerator
struct Zip2

protocol Collection


Since the Collection protocol adopts the Sequence protocol, all types and protocols that adopt Collection also inherit the Sequence protocol. And the types and protocol(s) that adopt Collection are:
struct BidirectionalReverseView
struct CollectionOfOne
struct Dictionary
struct EmptyCollection
struct FilterCollectionView
struct LazyBidirectionalCollection
struct LazyForwardCollection
struct LazyRandomAccessCollection
struct MapCollectionView
struct RandomAccessReverseView
struct Range
struct Repeat
struct String
struct UnsafeArray

protocol MutableCollection


Any algorithm or method that requires a type that adheres to the Collection or a Sequence protocols can not only accept any of the types listed above but also any types that adopt the MutableCollection protocol. These include the following:
struct Array
struct ContiguousArray
struct Slice

protocol MutableSliceable


And so it goes down the chain, so that the following also inherits the Sequence protocol through its inherited adoption of the Collection protocol (via MutableSliceable and MutableCollection):
protocol ArrayType


Before the list of protocols adopting and inheriting comes to an end and we are left with the final types that inherit the Sequence protocol (through the Collection one, via ArrayType, MutableSliceable and MutableCollection) and exist at the end of the chain.
struct ContiguousArray
struct Slice
struct Array<T>
Endorse on Coderwall
