Send an Xcode project to Bitbucket

Sending a non-git Xcode Project to BitBucket

from GitHub is the most popular place to host your repos but if you are looking for a free service for teams that are 5 members or less then take a look at BitBucket. Here are instructions for moving a local Xcode project onto BitBucket. (Note: if you opted for a local Git when you created your project you should be able to skip steps 3 and 4.)
  1. Sign-up for BitBucket and create a repo
  2. In Xcode go to Source Control menu
  3. Select "Create a working copy ...."
  4. Select project and press Create in dialog window
  5. Return to Source Control menu and select <Project Name> -> Configure <Project Name> ...
  6. Click "Remotes" tab
  7. Press add "+"
  8. Copy and paste the https address you see at the top right of your repo page into the remote location in Xcode
  9. Go to Source Control menu and select Push... to upload the project

Pushing code updates to BitBucket

Now you have it set up whenever you want to push code to the project:
  1. Go to Source Control menu and select Commit
  2. Write a commit note and uncheck anything not to be included in the commit
  3. Return to Source Control menu and select push
  4. Select the correct branch and Push

Pulling code down from BitBucket repo

To get code provided by others down from BitBucket:
  1. Go to Source Control menu and select Pull...
