Anatomy of a Story Elves book for iPad (Part 3): The book and its couplets

Welcome to Part 3 of this blog series celebrating the release of The Waking Prince book app for iPad. This time I'll be discussing one of the amazing and original features - the couplet pages - which live inside the centre piece of the app, the Waking Prince storybook.

When you read an illustrated book the text communicates with the pictures. The illustrator brings the words to life visually and perhaps even puts emphasis on a part of the text you'd originally thought inconsequential. Thus, there is an echo that passes between text and image.

The couplet extends this echo further and bounces it off a few more walls by having an additional illustration that talks to the first illustration and thereby to the text as well, taking it on a visual journey beyond what is normally possible in a printed book.

How does this work? Where is this extra illustration? You access the additional artwork very simply by turning the device and allowing it to fade into place. In portrait orientation you see the regular story but in landscape you see the couplet image. What's more every single portrait spread of the book has its own double-page spread couplet image.

As you'll see above these are stunning images illustrated to the highest standard and in full Retina resolution (on the third generation iPad upwards). This makes them engrossing but they can also be hilarious and surprising as well.

To download the app and experience the couplet you can download it from the app store here.

Introduction | Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
