How to unzip and edit EPUB files in Textastic (iOS)

(1) From Dropbox or wherever your EPUB exists select 'Open in...' and then select Textastic
(2) When Textastic warns you it has detected a binary file and asks if you want to open it, select 'No' from the alert box
(3) Press the edit button at the top of the left-hand panel
(4) Locate the greyed out EPUB file you just imported and press the pencil icon next to it
(5) Select 'Rename' from the pop-up box
(6) Change file extension from .epub to .zip
(7) Press 'Done'
(8) Press 'Done' again
(9) Click on file
(10) When prompted select 'Yes' to unpack Zip file
(11) Locate the folder with the same name as your file that has just been created
(12) Edit your contents
(13) When you're ready to rezip go back to the point in the file menu that shows the main folder you wish to Zip up
(14) Press edit at the top of the left-panel
(15) Select and delete the original file with .zip extension (that you changed from an EPUB)
(16) Next select your folder so there's a red tick next to it
(17) Press 'Zip' at bottom of left panel
(18) Locate the new .zip file and press the pencil icon next to it
(19) Rename extension to .epub
(20) Press 'Done'
(21) Do a long press on the new .epub file and select 'Open in..' then select iBooks or the reader you wish to view the file in, or the location to which you would like to save it

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