Enable your iOS app to share files via iTunes and to open files sent from other apps ('Open In')

If you wish to enable your iOS app to share files via iTunes and/or to open files sent from other apps (using the 'Open In' functionality), then begin in both instances like this:

(1) Click on the blue Project file icon within your Xcode project
(2) select Info from the horizontal row of options

Next, to enable files to be added and saved from your app via iTunes then do this

(3) Expand 'Custom iOS Target Properties'
(4) Right click on one of the rows (it doesn't matter which) and select Add Row
(5) from the drop down list in the new row select ‘Application supports iTunes file sharing’
(6) Change the Value from NO to YES

Or, to enable ‘Open in’ functionality, do the following

(3) expand the Document Types option
(4) insert the format Name and Types in the available form fields. The information needed to complete these fields can be found in Apple’s UTI (unique type identifier) reference document - for example to accept RTF files you would use RTF as the name and the Type would be public.rtf while for HTML the type would be public.html
(5) you can also add an icon for the file type
(6) to add further names and types press the add symbol
(7) to handle the file types that your app accepts read Apple’s Document Interaction Programming Topics for iOS

Further Reading

Technical Q&A QA1587: How do I get my application to show up in the "Open in..." menu on iOS for a specific document type? (Developer, Apple)

Custom URL schemes (Developer, Apple)

Endorse on Coderwall


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