Swift: A list of all types and protocols that adopt, and inherit from, the Equatable protocol


Equatable is a top-level protocol adopted by:
struct AutoreleasingUnsafePointer
struct Bool
struct CFunctionPointer
struct COpaquePointer
struct HeapBuffer
struct Range

enum Character
enum FloatingPointClassification

protocol Comparable
protocol Hashable
protocol RawOptionSet


Comparable is in turn adopted by (and passes inheritance of Equatable to):
struct ConstUnsafePointer
struct Double
struct Float
struct Float80
struct String
struct UnicodeScalar
struct UnsafePointer

protocol IntegerArithmetic
protocol Strideable


IntegerArithmetic is adopted by (and passes inheritance of Comparable and Equatable to):
enum Bit


Strideable is adopted by (and passes inheritance of Comparable and Equatable to):
struct Double
struct Float
struct Float80

protocol FloatingPointNumber


FloatingPointNumber is adopted by (and passes inheritance of Strideable and Comparable, Equatable to):
struct Double
struct Float


Hashable is adopted by (and passes inheritance of Comparable and Equatable to):
struct Bool
struct CFunctionPointer
struct COpaquePointer
struct ConstantUnsafePointer
struct Double
struct Float
struct Float80
struct Int
struct Int8
struct Int16
struct Int32
struct Int64
struct ObjectIdentifier
struct String
struct UInt
struct UInt8
struct UInt16
struct UInt32
struct UInt64
struct UnicodeScalar
struct UnsafePointer


Not currently adopted by any type or protocol.
Endorse on Coderwall
