
The Power of Hexagons: Two-dimensional drawing on a three-dimensional surface (iOS, Swift, Xcode, CGPath, CAShapeLayer)

The Power of Hexagons: How to animate the rotation of a block (Swift, iOS, Xcode, CAKeyframeAnimation)

The Power of Hexagons: Falling down a hole, that sinking feeling in Swift (CGPath, CALayer, CoreGraphics)

The Power of Hexagons: Dig your own holes in Swift (CAShapeLayer, CGPath, 3D Drawing)

The Power of Hexagons: Starting from scratch with 3D drawing in Swift (CAShapeLayer, CGPath)

Swift: Stars in our paths (Regular Polygons, CGPath, UIBezierPath, Playgrounds, iOS, Xcode)

Swift: How to draw a clock face using CoreGraphics and CoreText (Part 2: Animating with CABasicAnimation)