
Adventures in PayPal: Three Essential Links for PHP Integration

Swift: Why try? isn't good enough for JSON

Swift: Codable Encounters of the Enum Kind

Local Storage: How to debug it and why Safari throws errors

InDesign: Seven ways in which indexing could be improved

InDesign: Workarounds for Indexing Bug (macOS)

Android: Toolbar, Action Bar and Menu Items (including Spinner)

Android: Adding and referencing an XML resource

Android: Popup menu

Android: Drag and drop a view onto another view

Life in the Real World: PDF to EPUB Conversion Using Google Docs

UIButton at your Convenience

It's time to stop unzipping your EPUBs and start using zip properly on macOS

Swift and XML Episode 1: Defining XML using Swift

Useful links for the future of EPUB: Specifications, repositories and drafts for 3.0.1 to 3.2

EPUB Quick Fixes: Cover image not displaying in Finder or eReader Libraries

Digging the Meta in EPUB 3: Using the meta element to extend metadata in EPUB 3, 3.0.1, (not 3.1) and 3.2

Apple News Format API in Swift: GET Channel, Section and Article Data (Swift 4)

Scrivener 3: Getting Started on a Novel in 10 Questions